About Us
Church of God Proclaiming the Kingdom(PTK) is a small group dependent upon the grace of God. Beginning its ministry in 2000, the church has many credits to its name. In the early 2000s, the church held a “Celebration of Faith” that brought over 80 different Sabbath Keeping Churches together. The Church’s flagship magazine Proclamation! Went to over seven different nations on four different continents. Unable to keep up with the growth, the church began a process of retooling and creating a robust plan, with an emphasis on controlled growth and local congregation responsibilities. Now, the church looks much different than it did in 2000, but is ready to face the challenges of a new generation.
Church History
Many of the beliefs and dogma stem from the Worldwide Church of God that was based in Pasadena, California. The biggest change is in the practice of the calendar. Worldwide adhered to the Jewish Calendar, while PTK rejects the calendar and embraces a stars-based system to count the Holy Days (please visit the section on the web page about the Jewish Calendar). Worldwide Church changed their doctrines to adhere to traditional Christianity. Church of God PTK rejected that changed and continued
Bigger Picture
PTK began in 2000, but many of the congregants were members of the Worldwide Church of God. Some even trace roots to the Radio Church of God which was the forerunner of Worldwide. The Radio Church of God was started with a small number of members of the Church of God (Seventh Day), based now in Denver, Colorado. Church of God (Seventh Day) was one of the several churches that were forged in 1844 as the Adventist movement. While the 7th Day Adventists are clearly the largest group, many don’t realize that Adventism is a movement and not just one church organization.
There are many Adventist groups that began with William Miller including the Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Church Of God (Seventh Day). Church of God PTK adheres to the Sabbath, Holy Days, the return of Jesus Christ and the Millennium. For more information, visit us in Burleson, Texas this Sabbath.